
Logan Aluminum’s vision is to maintain an organization and working environment which demonstrates the capability over time to substantially outperform the competition in the areas of Safety, Quality, Productivity, Cost and Culture.  Logan Aluminum strives for this vision by pursuing a fundamental change in the way we think about people and work. The benefits of team culture include greater productivity, increased quality, flexibility of operations, lower cost, opportunity to treat all employees as Business Partners, appropriate level decision making, all allowing full utilization of the team member.


Learn About Our Process & People

Our Mission

Logan Aluminum will demonstrate continual improvement in our capabilities to create value for our associates, customers, and team members by maintaining leadership positions in product quality, customer service, cost, safety and environmental performance. We will accomplish this through progressive management concepts and innovative use of technology, our physical assets and human resources.

Our Vision

To be recognized as the best in the world at what we do!

Logan Aluminum Work System - Bricks in the Wall

The success of Logan Aluminum is derived from its Work System. The foundation of this Work System is our principles and value-driven teams and their ability to manage the business. Each day team members make decisions that directly impact safety, quality, customer satisfaction, productivity, reliability, and cost.

Safety is our #1 Value and is Non-Negotiable

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Organizational Design

Logan Aluminum’s organization is a flat structure with few levels. We are team-based and semi-autonomous, with business decisions made at all levels of the business. Skills are developed and maintained at all levels within the team, creating a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Step Plan

Each year, Logan Aluminum prepares a 5-year strategic plan to present to our owners. The plan is called the STEP Plan – Strategic Transition Excellence Plan. This plan focuses on 5 main areas:

Safety and Environment

Employee Culture

Production Optimization

Managing Cost

Product Quality & Consistency

The purpose of the STEP Plan is to prepare an analysis of the future potential of Logan Aluminum with an initial focus on achieving operating excellence in the rolled aluminum sheet market. The plan benchmarks Logan Aluminum against “world class” and establishes a viable future state.

Corporate Responsibility

Since its founding, Logan Aluminum has been dedicated to Logan County and South Central Kentucky. Logan Aluminum believes it is our duty to support our community, protect the environment in which we work and live, and provide leadership in state and local organizations.

Our owners and employees volunteer and financially support national, regional and local organizations such as United Way of Southern Kentucky, Junior Achievement, American Cancer Society, Western Kentucky University, Southern Kentucky Community and Technical College, local volunteer fire departments and youth sports teams.

To protect the environment, Logan Aluminum provides training and supports local recycling efforts in our school systems. Logan Aluminum team members at all levels serve on local and state boards, hold political office in city, county governments and on local school boards. Logan Aluminum as a corporation supports national and state-wide initiatives on safety, education, workforce development, entrepreneurship and wellness.